Blog Journal #10

As a teacher, I feel I will collect data for many things, but specifically for attendance and student performance. Attendance will be collected for safety purposes so that I am always aware of who is here and who is not in case of an emergency and for group assignment purposes. For third grade math specifically, I will track student performance in a spread sheet so I can measure their progress over the year. I will have a spread sheet with columns such as Q1 test, Q2 test, Q3 test, and Q4 test, then divide each of those up into the different benchmarks we focus on throughout those weeks. By doing this, I will be able to observe who is learning properly and then reflect back on my teaching styles to see if that has anything to do with their positive/negative scores. With parents, I will use Qualtrics or a Google Doc Survey form if I ever need them to fill out papers regarding their child. 


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