Blog Journal #6

  •     A paragraph about your initial experiences using Diigo: To be completely honest, when I first started using Diigo I was a little confused, only because it looks like a search page which I didn’t expect. Since I have started using it, though, I have really liked the layout and that you can see other’s post on the main page right when you log on. It is a little different than a normal web tool I would use with the bookmarking and the steps that go into that, but I think I could get used to it overtime. I don’t think there is anything I don’t like about this website, like I said I think I will get used to it overtime.

  •         A paragraph about your experience with blogging: I never really had experience with blogging until this year. Now, I have to posts blog for two different classes which has given me more opportunities to learn about it. Something I like about blogging is that they are all in the same place/page, so I can go back and look at them whenever. It is also super easy to access my peer’s blogs which is helpful. There isn’t much that I don’t like and something I have been learning is how to attach files/pictures and use the different tools in order to make your blogging experience smooth and organized.

  •      A paragraph about an interesting Web 2.0 tool that you might use when teaching: Another Web 2.0 tool that I think would be beneficial as a teacher is Facebook. Although this social media platform can be used for many other things, the main thing people use it for is to post things. On top of this, there are specific groups that people can join for things they are interested in, and I think something that could be beneficial is a teacher group. You can even get more specific and make groups by subject, grade level, or even school, but I think this could be used for teachers to post their favorite lesson plans/activities, videos, games, etc.. These groups can be very beneficial and are open to comments and messages as well, so many people can contribute their ideas or give feedback on these teachers’ posts which can help everyone involved.


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