· A paragraph about the ELA technology standards: The standard I chose from this list is “Computer Science- Personal, Community, Global, and Ethical Impact” through grades K-2. This standard highlights the importance of how to properly shut down/log out of your stuff on a computer, the importance of a password to protect everything in your files, how technology is important in the workforce, and how important it is to be aware of everything that goes on online and making sure everyone is being respectful of their peers when using technology. I do think I feel prepared to implement this skill set when I become a teacher because these are pretty basic skills to teach and I know how to work with technology when teaching these things. On top of that, I know how to be a good digital citizen- knowing how to decipher what to and what not to post, keeping some of my files private, reporting cyberbullying if necessary, etc., so I believe I will be able ...
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