Blog Post #1

My name is Peyton P and I am from Orlando, FL. I am 19 years old and a student studying Elementary Education at Florida State University. Back home, I have 5 younger brothers who I love with my whole heart- being 4 hours away from them is a struggle for sure. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my friends, family, and outdoors in general, although this weather is a little too cold for me. I hope to teach grades between Kindergarten and 3rd Grade! Honestly, I do not have any prior educational technology experience. I have used a MacBook and an IPad to take notes on, but have never really used anything else. In my Early Childhood class in high school, they had a projector that we used every now and then, but it was mainly just turning it on and off because the computer had the rest of the functions. Both of my parents are educators and have had experience with technology in the classroom so I’m sure I could get help from them if needed. My personal learning networks throughout high school included my teachers, my fellow classmates, and sometimes I would look up articles on different info if I needed to. Since I have been in college, I have mainly looked up articles, talked to classmates, or ask friends who I knew that had taken or were currently taking the class I was struggling with at the time. In the future, I hope to become more familiar with more reliable search engines whether that comes through websites or the library. I am looking forward to this class and what it will teach me when it comes to my PLN this semester!


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