Blog Journal #8

·       Post a link to your website designed in Assignment 3


·       A paragraph about your daily use of AI tools: Personally, I do not use AI tools often and I think I have only used it once in my life. That one time was when I was writing a graduation speech and someone told me to have ChatGPT write one for me just to get some ideas and then I could edit it from there. It did end up working really well but I don’t think I have used it since then because I am always scared that if I use it for class I would get in trouble and I would rather just do the work myself. My only motivation to use AI comes from the fact that my research teacher told us that we could look up research topics for our big projects if we couldn’t think anything, but not to use it further than that. Hearing this come from a teacher made me feel better about potentially just using it to brainstorm but I don’t think I’ll ever use it for more than that. I do not have any questions regarding AI tools. 


·       A paragraph about your experience in using ChatGPT: A question I asked ChatGPT was if it could provide me with a math lesson plan for third grade students and the results I got included an objective, materials needed, duration, procedure, extension activity, and assessment. I honestly didn’t know it could provide me with anything other than short answers so that in itself was something new to me. After reading this week’s materials I think I would be more likely to use AI or ChatGPT in my classroom because I have seen it isn’t all “bad” or “cheating”, I can use it to benefit my teaching strategies/activities. I think when addressing this to my students I would share similar information that my teacher shared with me- that it can be used to brainstorm ideas for projects or for other things in life such as baking, but it is not appropriate or honest to use it to do homework or write papers with it. 


·       A paragraph about AI tools for productivity: As far as productivity goes, I don’t think that AI tools could increase it just because I don’t think it could do anything for me faster than I could do it myself, especially if I am not having it answer questions or do assignments for me. Maybe it could help me with non-academic stuff such as finding good places to vacation/shop, giving me recipes, etc., rather than me spending time trying to find them myself. With teaching, something I could use it for is planning fun activities in the classroom or, like I did in my example in the second bullet point, possibly ask for activities for certain topics/lessons. I could also use it for something like creating a rubric or a parent email to send out which could improve my productivity both in and out of the classroom. 



  1. Hi Peyton! I love the information you provided on your website. I would just say that for a future website, adding more pictures can be beneficial along with making the format of the website with other colors besides black and white. Besides this, your website provides a lot of information. I really liked the font you used for the title of your website.

  2. Hi Peyton! I loved how you opened up your website with a profile picture as a student. It helped me feel welcome on the site. That being said, regarding design of the website, I think adding more pictures pertaining to the classroom, and logos of the resources mentioned would do a lot to help amplify what is being said. Your font is so lovely!


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