Blog Journal #7

·       A paragraph about teacher pages on a school website: The school site that I chose to evaluate was my high school, Lake Brantley High School. When going to their website, at the top there are options of whether you are interested in learning more about Academics, Student Life, Athletics, etc.. From there, there is a drop down from each one and the specific one I looked at was the Student Life one which is where I would assume teacher pages would be, and I found options including clubs, leadership options, Student Government, and many more things which is all public information. This is extremely helpful for both students and parents, because when looking into classes and electives that they might want to take or even extra-curriculars, all of the options take you a page with information regarding that specific topic.


·       A paragraph about how you envision yourself using technology to accomplish your professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively: Professionally, I think I will use technology a great amount both in and out of the classroom. When making worksheets, organizing my lesson plans, etc.., I feel like I would rather do it electronically rather than on paper. By doing it online, I can edit it whenever, I can log in and access it on more than one device if needed. For things like rewarding behavior, I think I would like to do it both on paper and electronically so that the kids can track their progress individually, but as a group we will do it online through something like Class Dojo. 


·       A paragraph about your experience working on Assignment 2 using Canvas group: My experience working on Assignment 2 wasn’t bad at all. My team members were super communicative over text which made things easy, and we had several shared worksheets which also made things easy because we could go in and do our part of the project on our own time. As far as the group Canvas tool goes, I wasn’t as familiar with it as first so it was a little tricky. In the future, I don’t think the Canvas group tool is a bad idea, but maybe students could put all of their worksheets into one google drive and just submit that rather than trying to do it all on Canvas.


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