Blog Journal #2

-        My experience using MS Word as a kid before college was a pretty smooth experience. I never had any problems when doing assignments and if I did, my teachers would help me immediately. I have always found that word is easily accessible, it is right on my desktop when needed, the tools are easy to use, it’s easy to open new documents, etc.. To this day, as a college student, I prefer using Word over Google Docs and Pages. It is so much easier to keep track of my assignments through MS Word. 

-       I personally really liked the article on ISTE Standards for Educators because I think all of the “titles” or descriptions that educators are given should be acknowledged and taught about every now and then so we are reminded of our influence on the students we are teaching. I personally think the one that is most meaningful to me is “Citizen”, because in order to create a society of “good people”, we are the ones that have to model that behavior considering students are around us majority of not only their days, but their entire lives. This section gave me a better idea of how to teach on that as well as modeling this behavior. I don’t have any other questions or concerns, I just think this is a great pointer for all teachers when assuming their responsibilities. 

-       I personally do agree with the term “digital native” when it comes to today’s younger generation, meaning that we were born into a generation of technology therefore we are more comfortable with it, and the future generations just keep becoming more accommodated. I do think that younger people tend to have more insight when it comes to technology use compared to our parents, teachers, etc., because we spend more time on our electronics outside of school. I think all of my teachers (especially since COVID) have been really on top of the idea of online assignments, electronics in class, etc., which I think is helpful because a lot of students have a desire to use their electronic in class anyways, this just gives them something to do that is productive and benefitting their education in a way. Even as a future teacher, I think I will be pretty advanced in my technology because of how much I use it now as a student and, realistically, I will be a young adult growing up as the technology grows, so I think I will use it in my classroom but hopefully if I am teaching K-3rd, the kids won’t be as consumed with their technology due to their young(er) ages. 


  1. Hi, Peyton! You definitely have a good digital compency! I appreciate your confidence and open attitude towards the advanced technologies. Technology addiction is also popular discussed topic in research. You may be interested in the following paper: Twenge, J. M. (2017). Have smartphones destroyed a generation? The Atlantic, 20 (September 2017),


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