Blog Journal #3
· Copyright and fair use: o As a teacher, I imagine dealing with copyright is tricky because you want to use others’ work but also have to give them the credit and not copy too much. I think something I would strive to do is have a lesson plan written out for every week including the curriculum I am required to teach, and then I will go on the internet and research a certain number of activities for that topic of the day/week. Although I might be lazy and want to copy some of the worksheets word for word and print those out, I will alter each of them to be different but with a similar concept to still get the point across. If I am teaching a grade where they have to use other author’s work, I will make sure to teach them how to cite/source properly when needed, but hopefully the children will be at an age where they have more creativity and use their brains to come up with any activities/answers to assignments that are given to the...